Candidate materials
Becoming a candidate
To start the process of becoming a candidate, you must first must obtain at least 25 valid signatures of registered voters in the district where you are running.
The Qualifying Petition must be returned to our office no later than 12:00 noon on the 3rd Thursday of the 3rd month prior to the Election.
You must also complete the following candidate forms:
Appointment of Political Treasurer. (You may appoint yourself as treasurer.)
Statement of Interest. (i.e., Conflict of Interest Statement)
What is a valid signature?
A qualifying petition must contain at least 25 signatures of qualified voters of the district, city or county in which you are running.
- A qualified voter is a registered voter who is: a citizen of the U.S.; a resident of the State of Tennessee; 18 years old or older or will be 18 by the day of the election; & a non-felon (or they have had their voting rights restored)
- The signer must give his/her residence address. “P.O. Boxes” as the only address cannot be counted as valid.
- Check voter registration or download the GoVoteTN app to check your voter registration.
Who may be a Write-In Candidate?
- There are no qualifications for a write-in candidate.
- Anyone may be written-in.
- For a write-in candidate in a primary election to be nominated for office, statutory requirements must be met:
- No write-in candidate in a primary election for a position as a state, county or municipal office shall have such candidate’s name placed upon the ballot in the election unless the candidate receives at least (25) votes.
- If there are no candidates listed on the ballot in the primary election, the candidate must receive at least (5%) of the votes cast in the primary on election day.
Important note:
Any person attempting to be elected by write-in ballots shall complete a notice requesting that such person’s ballots be counted in each county of the district such candidate is running in, no later than (50) days before the election.
Such person shall only have votes counted in counties where such notice was completed and timely filed. The notice prescribed by the State Division of Elections shall be accepted.
Ballot order
Only candidates for municipal offices are listed in alphabetical order. Both are required by law to run as Non-Partisan (no party affiliation).
The order of the offices are required to be listed on the ballot as follows:
1. Circuit Court Judges
2. Chancellor
3. District Attorney General
4. Public Defender
5. County Mayor
6. County Commissioners
7. Assessor of Property
8. County Trustee
9. General Sessions Judge
10. Sheriff
11. Circuit Court Clerk
12. Juvenile Court Clerk
13. County Clerk
14. Register
15. Constables
16. Municipal Executive Offices
17. Municipal Legislative Offices
18. Municipal Judicial Offices
Raising and spending money
Activity at the polling place
A candidate is allowed to appoint a poll watcher at each polling place. The appointment must be in writing and turned in to the election commission office no later than 12:00 noon on the (2nd) day before the Election.
- Poll watchers can only observe the activity inside and around the polling place.
- Poll watchers cannot assist voters or accompany voters inside the voting booth.
- Poll watchers cannot talk to voters or interfere with the process whatsoever.
- Poll watchers can only speak with the Officer of Elections at a polling place.
How close can a candidate or a candidate’s representative hand out campaign literature and/or solicit votes for a candidate?
A candidate cannot come closer than 100 feet from the entrance to any polling place where there is voting taking place, unless the candidate is voting.
Can a voter carry a sample ballot into the polling place?
Yes, as long as the voter does not show it to any other voters.
What if a voter has a campaign sign or sticker on their vehicle when they come into the polling place to vote? Are they allowed to vote?
Yes, as long as they go straight inside to vote, then vote and leave immediately. The vehicle cannot be left inside the 100 foot boundary once the voter has completed voting.
Forms and other resources
Still have questions? Visit the Tennessee Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance
Candidate FAQs or you may call the Hardeman County Election Commission at 731-658-4751.